The initial invitations have been sent out to the first ten bloggers that I had in mind as charter members of the Digital Press Club. Four of you have responded already and I appreciate your enthusiasm. There are very few rules save for the desire to foster new ideas and insights into the social, economic and political challenges that we all face everyday. We will disagree, hopefully agreeably, and we will serve as an example of the civility lost in many quarters of government, business and society in America and across the Terran landscape.
When the club has grown to twenty five members I propose that we elect a President and a Vice President who will serve a one year term, a Secretary whose sole duty will be to remind us of, and set the date of, monthly online meetings, and a Technical Director who will offer us advice on how to make more efficient our online journalistic efforts as a group. Our goal is to amplify our voice through combining our reach to anyone anywhere who has a computer an access to the Internet.
I hope that each and every one of you who accept my invitation will consider this challenge that I lay down:
The world you live in is in chaos, not chaos caused by war and poverty alone, but the chaos caused by the denial of the fundamental fact that everyman has a right to speak his mind and be heard. I challenge you to be at the forefront of those who through their words make the world you live in a better place one posting in this place and in your own, at a time.
Dive in folks, the water is fine.
Cavalor Epthith
The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork
250 Low Lux Negro 1 AS
29 January 2007 Anno Domini
I am happy to join the Digital Press Club! I look forward to the exchanges.
Thrilled to participate! Looking forward to some civil and informative debates... Thanks for inviting me in!
P6 here.
I'm up for anything that finds and promotes clear voices.
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