The formation of a press club of bloggers, any bloggers, who have a love for
news, opinions, journalism, current events, humor, politics, and above all freedom of the press, but are not among the growing elite of the blogosphere who have gained entre into the venerable halls of such organizations as the National Press Club or other organizations where one has to be anointed by another elite member, has long been my dream. This morning after standing over my twins I have decided that since no one else was going to start the
Digital Press Club I would.
As of this morning there are no dues, there is no committee that will vet you in search of corporate or political reasons to exclude you. The lofty goal of this club is to bring the strong unheard voices of the blogosphere to the fore with a hope of giving
the black, the brown, the white, the yellow, the blue and the red and the green, the
female and the male, liberal, libertarian and the conservative, the gay and the straight, the Muslim,
the Jew, the Hindu, the Christian and
all others an equal voice through a power megaphone with which to tell the world what they think, how they can help save Hell and Terra, and point to why the mainstream media MSM is failing the people of America, Europe and the developing world because of its corporate leash.
So there you have it my friends. The birth of an idea that has been in my large blue horned head for some time. If you blog about the events of the day, if you think the world needs to have the smaller strong voices in the blogosphere heard in one easy to find place, if you know that Hell and Terra can move the monolithic mountain that is the noise machine of the MSM, then I welcome you, to The Digital Press Club!
Cavalor Epthith, Esquire
The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork
249 Low Lux Negro 1 AS
28 January 2007 Anno Domini
9 Sh'vat 5767
8 Muharram 1428